Welcome to
St Mary’s Greenham

If you live in Greenham or have a connection with Greenham Church you can get married at St Mary’s. Every year we meet people who didn’t realise how easy it would be. You don’t have to be a regular churchgoer, or Christened, for example. If you have been divorced it may be possible to marry at St Mary’s or have a Marriage Blessing (a service of Prayer and Dedication after a Civil Marriage). We are happy to talk through what options are available.
Marrying in church can be as personal, meaningful and spiritual as you want it to be.
Churches are special places and there are some things about a church wedding that you just can’t get anywhere else. Only in church can you say the vows which have stood the test of time and been said from one generation to the next. With our help you can blend ancient tradition and your own personal choices and style to create a celebration with true meaning and lasting impact.
There are rules of course, because marriage is a serious business with legal consequences. We can use the rules to make your dream day possible – we’ve done it many times. We always adapt the marriage service to make the occasion special for you. We would be happy to talk though what you are looking for and what we can offer you.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to find out more. We are here for you.
You can also discover more about Church of England Weddings and Blessings at yourchurchwedding.org