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We extend a warm welcome to

visitors & new members.




Our Vision is to be a church where we:


Know we are all loved by God and love one another.


Encounter the living God -

Father, Son and Holy Spirit


Know Jesus and make Him known.


All are encouraged to know our gifts and grow together as Christians.


Can transform our community with acts of loving service and prayer.


Are all enabled and equipped to live out our faith daily, whatever our age or circumstances.




We believe the Bible to be God’s word, and seek to live by its teaching.

We also believe God is alive and active through the Holy Spirit and that spiritual gifts, including healing, are for today.


Following Christ together by being:


True to the Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, having power to challenge and change our lives.


Open to the Spirit

To live as God intends we need the presence of the Holy Spirit active in our lives and empowering us to follow Jesus.


Fervent in Prayer

To follow Christ we need to keep in close relationship with the Father through prayer as we week His will and His help.


Reflecting God's love

As we receive from God we desire to demonstrate and share His love with our friends and the community.



Following in the footsteps of the Son, 

Living in the Spirit's power,

To show the Father's love.

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